The Crazy Cycle In The Workplace - Study Guide (Download)
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The Crazy Cycle in the Workplace
Study Guide - Digital Download
The Secret to Thriving Workplaces
Organizations succeed when their people keep their noses to the grindstone and do their work…right? Maybe in the short-term, but not after the burnout, employee turnover, and plummeting team spirit that inevitably follows. Regardless of the work required, the culture of a job has a profound effect on morale, especially when it comes to the relationship between management and employees. What does it look like for companies to encourage a positive environment for all levels of work? What is the secret?
Transform Your Workplace
In this 2-part series, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs hones in on the transformative power of a workplace marked by two crucial qualities—personal care and respect. Without a healthy dose of both, a Crazy Cycle of disillusion begins. Because work plays a central role in life, it impacts the rest of our experiences. Applicable to employees and leadership alike, Emerson's teaching demonstrates how attentive, caring management garners respect from its people and in return leads to a strengthened outlook for an organization moving forward. Long-term success requires a broader vision, one that makes decisions beneficial to both the product and the people involved in its production.
Join Dr. Eggerichs in this two part video series! Also includes written content to facilitate questions, reflection and discussion.
Hear What Others Are Saying about The Crazy Cycle in the Workplace
Having Emerson deliver a keynote at our global leaders conference was a huge hit and had leaders in tears, inspired, convicted and clear on next steps.
A Male Boss
Your materials recognize that every person involved may improve their approach to strengthen the team and each has the responsibility to do so. Appreciate your encouragement to view ourselves from the exterior perspective that we might be more effective and productive in our work alongside people facing that exterior, no matter our role or profession.
A Female Boss
The Love & Respect message is so practical and meets everybody where they are regardless of age, gender, or marital condition. Having Emerson deliver a keynote at our global leaders conference was a huge hit and had leaders in tears, inspired, convicted and clear on next steps. He covered a ton of ground in 1 session that will make a lasting impact. CEOs left with a bigger vision for God's call upon their marriage as well as a passion for seeing those they lead understand the insights of Blue/Pink, Love/Respect, and cycles of life and joy.
Your materials recognize that every person involved may improve their approach to strengthen the team and each has the responsibility to do so. Appreciate your encouragement to view ourselves from the exterior perspective that we might be more effective and productive in our work alongside people facing that exterior, no matter our role or profession.
Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs is an internationally known public speaker on the topic of male-female relationships. Based on over three decades of pastoring, counseling and study of biblical and scientific research, Dr. Eggerichs and his wife Sarah developed the Love and Respect Conference which they present to live audiences around the country.
About Love & RespectProduct Quotes
Just because you may feel unloved or disrespected does not mean your spouse is sending that message.
When Jesus said “turn the other cheek,” He wasn’t saying to be passive wimps. He was teaching that physically people can control you but if you turn and give the other cheek, suddenly you’re in control and you’re making the choices.
You’re the only person in the world who can meet your spouse’s deepest need for love and respect. After all, you alone are married to your spouse.
A husband may deserve contempt, but that doesn’t win him any more than harshness and anger wins the heart of a woman.
Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean the other person is offensive.
God designed the woman to love. He’s not going to command her to agape her husband when He created her to do that in the first place. God is not into redundancy.
Husbands primarily want to hear ‘respect” talk during conflict. Wives primarily want to hear “love” talk during conflict.
Do you believe that there is a God who really loves you and wants to help you?
[Husbands] as the church places her burdens on Christ, so a woman needs to place her burdens on her husband. When she shares with you, don’t assume she is asking you to solve the problem. Ask your wife, “Do you want a solution or a listening ear?”
When others do not respond to our communication, we need to look first at our communication style. Is the other person incapable of hearing what we have to say? Or are we abrupt, brusque, and curt?
A wife has one driving need: to feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy. A husband has one driving need: to feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy with conflict.
Focus on the positive in the midst of the negative, and the Energizing Cycle will keep right on humming.
When you’re truly Christ-centered, instead of child-centered, you will be a more effective parent in the long run.
[Husbands] the most powerful weapons you have are your ears. Just listen to your wife, and she is much more likely to feel understood.
How we react to a situation reveals more about us than about the other person.
So I encourage every husband and wife to commit to the Jesus Way of Talking. Instead of allowing the stress of the situation to control you, you can say to yourself, “Because I love the Lord and I know that He rewards every good word, I am going to be truthful even if my spouse is not. I will also be uplifting, forgiving, thankful and scriptural in my speech because my ultimate goal is to please the Lord. Whatever my spouse’s weaknesses or bad habits might be, I will not let them cause me to sin with my lips.”
Do not live by the standards of Hollywood; trust what God says in His Holy Word.
When you come home after you have been apart, the first few moments of reconnecting will set the tone for the rest of the evening.
Thank the Lord for the goodwill each of you has toward the other. Ask Him for strength to give each other the benefit of the doubt during moments when someone’s goodwill seems to be lacking. “He who seeks good finds goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it.” (Proverbs 11:27)
Our research shows that couples who pray together are more apt to reap all kinds of benefits, including better and more frequent communication, going on “dates” more frequently and having sex more frequently.
Words of Love or Respect must uplift your spouse, edifying- never manipulating him or her.
Always remember that Pink and Blue have different wiring, different preferences. Assume your spouse has goodwill toward you, no matter what. Both of you can be right, while being different.
As a wife, if you can start to understand how important your husband’s work is to him, you will take a giant step toward communicating respect and honor, two things that he values even more than your love.
A strong woman of dignity puts on respect out of her love and reverence for Jesus Christ. She trusts that His word not only protects and empowers her, but also rewards her with incomprehensible eternal blessings.
A major step toward a happy marriage is accepting differences and working them out with love and respect.
Optimism or pessimism? It is always a choice, no matter what your natural temperament.
God’s commands are there to help us, not to hinder us or hold us back as male and female.
Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative with lots of love and respect in between.
Your spouse deserves the truth from you. Do your best to tell it with love and respect.
Thank God for His forgiveness of your mistakes. In trying to be a loving man or a respectful woman, we blow it. Owning up to mistakes is never easy, but it is always the way to move forward. Take good care not to accuse your spouse of mistakes as you pray. Also, pray about any forgiving to be done in the family, any forgiveness that needs to be asked. Children may need forgiveness (and what about Mom and Dad?). “There is no one on earth who does what is right all the time and never makes a mistake.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20)
“Respect is a man’s deepest value. I have had numerous men tell me, ‘I would rather live with a wife who respected me but did not love me than live with a wife who loved me but did not respect me.’ These men are not saying that they are indifferent to love. They know they need love, but they need to feel respected even more than they need to feel loved.“
Recognize your different gifts--how each of you (Pink and Blue) functions according to God’s perfect design.
You must “ask God from the wealth of his glory to give you power through his Spirit to be strong in your inner selves.”
Be quick to listen and understand and you have a much better chance of being understood.
Whether visiting a prison, feeding the hungry, giving the thirsty a drink or speaking a word of love or respect, everything is to be done to and for Christ.
No one can really practice Love and Respect unless he or she does it as unto Jesus Christ.
Both Judas and Peter denied Jesus Christ, but there is a huge difference between a Judas and a Peter.
Holding back your love or respect will just keep the Crazy Cycle spinning away, but being mature and making the first move could slow it down.
When a husband feels disrespected, it is especially hard to love his wife. When a wife feels unloved, it is especially hard to respect her husband.
We get on the Crazy Cycle because without love a wife reacts without respect, and without respect a husband reacts without love.
Stay the course regardless of the child’s respect and obedience. This is the Family Rewarded Cycle: a parents love unto Christ regardless of the child.
Always see your mate as an ally. Feedback is of little use if you see your spouse as an enemy. Giving and receiving constructive feedback is based on feelings of goodwill in both partners. Both of you need to remember that, even if you don’t always agree and even if you become irritated or angry, you are friends, and neither of you means to hurt the other.
God rewards your obedience to love and respect, even if your spouse does not respond!
Your spouse has a need that you don’t have. Are you going to say there is something seriously wrong with them or will you say “Viva la Difference”?
The woman absolutely needs love, and the man absolutely needs respect. It’s as simple- and as difficult- as that.
Parenting is a faith venture. As we parent “unto Christ” we reap God’s reward, “knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord” (Eph. 6:8 NKJV)
Share what God is saying to your heart, not what you think He needs to say to your mate.
Every marriage includes trouble some of the time. Do not let the 20% leaven all the rest.
We might say that every negative action in the family has an equal and opposite negative reaction.
Wives, to energize your husband do an activity with him, shoulder-to-shoulder, without talking.
We fool ourselves into thinking the other person causes us to be the way we are. They really don’t! But if we lock into that idea, we become helpless, hopeless victims.
As mature men, we need to take leadership and put this out on the table. We must acknowledge our feelings- we need to feel respected. However, as we do this we must acknowledge our wife’s feelings- she needs to feel loved!
When we feel crippling discouragement by the sinful choices and outcomes of our kids, we must not let this permanently deter us from parenting God’s way.
We must bring our identity in Christ to our parenting—we must not derive our identity from our children.
A man has a natural, inborn desire to go out and “conquer” the challenges of his world – to work and achieve.
When you look to God and His Word as your ultimate source of significance and security, you don’t demand that your spouse take that role in your life. And as you draw strength from the Lord individually, He draws you closer together as a couple.
Words of Love and Respect must include thankfulness spoken to or about your spouse; don’t fixate on weaknesses and faults.
Though the end can be worthy (to be loved and respected), when each uses unholy means (unloving and disrespectful words and actions), it will not achieve those ends. We must treat others as we expect them to treat us. To deny this makes us arrogant or fools, or both.
No matter what your struggle- criticism, constant conflict, sex, money, parenting, harsh words- learning to communicate the Love and Respect way can help you make crucial changes and build the kind of relationship that God blesses.
When you look to God and His Word as your ultimate source of significance and security, you don’t demand that your spouse take that role in your life. And as you draw strength from the Lord individually, He draws you closer together as a couple.
Often the apparent issue isn’t the real issue; the real issue is always a matter of love or respect.
Positive changes flood a relationship immediately when both husband and wife cancel the blame game!
Thank God for joining you together and for allowing you to trust Him to help you, whatever the issue. God is there for you and expects you to look to Him to keep you together as a team, so ask Him for His help in the smallest of concerns. “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” (Matthew 19:6)
Unconditional love or respect is never wasted. Hang onto this promise: “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary” (Galatians 6:9).
It is crucial for a husband and wife to see that neither one is wrong, but both of them are very different--in body function, outlook and perspective.
Marital researchers agree that a huge percentage of communication problems between husband and wife are due not to what is said but to how it is said – the attitude and tone of voice.
When there is confusion, I try to refrain from attacking another for not listening carefully (which may not be the case). Instead, I take a run at communicating again, but more clearly.
With a better understanding of God’s promises, you will be on your way to a renewed mind and a changed life.
Getting married reveals, usually sooner than later, an incontestable fact: your spouse cannot possibly meet all your needs and desires
The parent-child relationship is as easy, and as difficult, as love and respect.
If you want your wife to express appreciation for your attempts to be loving, you must use thankful words when she tries to speak or act respectfully.
A wife has one driving need--to feel loved. When that need is met she is happy. A husband has one driving need--to feel respected. When that need is met he is happy. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy. Love and Respect reveals why spouses react negatively to each other, and how they can deal with such conflict quickly, easily and biblically.
If a husband chooses to be a peacemaker--taking the needs and concerns of his wife totally into account during any kind of argument or conflict--his wife will be motivated in turn to respond to his authority during stalemates.
Clarifying is what you do before you step on your mate’s air hose and deflate his or her spirit. For example, you are having a typical conversation, but you can tell there is a misunderstanding. One of you isn’t being clear or isn’t hearing correctly. Then and there you clarify the misunderstanding before your spouse’s spirit deflates. You lovingly or respectfully clarify matters so that your spouse will not feel unloved or disrespected. The reason you take pains to clarify a seemingly small matter is to prevent the situation from becoming a love and respect issue that needs decoding. Clarifying is what you do to stay off the Crazy Cycle and keep positive, energetic feelings flowing between the two of you, to keep yourselves on the Energizing Cycle.
Mutual submission is the only way to live fairly together with mutual authority.
It’s true that women have intuition and that men should listen to them. It’s also true that women have blind spots and need the insight of their husbands.