About Us


Dr. Emerson Eggerichs is an internationally known public speaker on the topic of marriage, parenting, communication and more. Based on over three decades of counseling as well as scientific and biblical research

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A Little Gem

It is full of so many funny and good things—there will be something that speaks to you, a little gem that will reveal it truly was a good use of your time.

A Little Gem
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I really didn’t get into the journal until week 3. I thought it was cute and I knew it had won awards, but I didn’t see the point. I had already committed to going to the dinners and to the group, why did I need to go through the book? But I was wrong. It is full of so many funny and good things—there will be something that speaks to you, a little gem that will reveal it truly was a good use of your time.

The Illumination Project
The Illumination Project
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Welcome Mat To Power of God

I have been elevated to a place in my home that I used to fight for... not a doormat, but a welcome mat to the power of God in my marriage!

Welcome Mat To Power of God
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I have been elevated to a place in my home that I used to fight for... not a doormat, but a welcome mat to the power of God in my marriage!

Respectfully Yours
Respectfully Yours
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Communication Needed To Be Different With My Sons

It was helpful for each of us...Particularly appreciated the shoulder to shoulder time explanation, and the explanation of using the word respect in conversations with my sons.

Communication Needed To Be Different With My Sons
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I loved this book and recommended it for a book club of moms. It was helpful for each of us...Particularly appreciated the shoulder to shoulder time explanation, and the explanation of using the word respect in conversations with my sons. The book was helpful because it allowed me to see how my communication needed to be different with my sons than it is with my daughters. It made me more intentional in conversations with my guys.

Mother & Son: The Respect Effect
Mother & Son
Mother & Son: The Respect Effect
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Powerful With 30-Year-Old Son

So wish I had read when my son was little, but found powerful at 30 years old as well.

Powerful With 30-Year-Old Son
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So wish I had read when my son was little, but found powerful at 30 years old as well. Although we don't line up on our worldview at this stage, I found an area I genuinely
admire and respect in my son.  When I told him I respected the way he handles his finances, my words resonated with him in a way that he immediately physically sat more erect (in the car passenger seat) and then shared with me some of his business ideas.

Mother & Son: The Respect Effect
Mother & Son
Mother & Son: The Respect Effect
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Look Forward to Watching Again

...We are looking forward to going through the Conference again and having this material at our fingertips for reference. "My Response is my Responsibility" has been tremendously helpful not only for our marriage but in so many other areas of our life.

Look Forward to Watching Again
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My wife and I attended a Conference Live In-Person a few years back and it changed our marriage. We were frustrated, as this is our second marriage each,… we so much wanted to glorify God but we seemed to be doing so much wrong. We walked out during a break, looked up at the sky and simultaneously, shouted "I get it!".  Our marriage has been tremendous ever since (sure we have crazy cycles, but they are so rare & short lived nowadays and truly lead to resolve). In fact, the Holy Sprit moved upon my wife one Sunday morning and after following the right steps we became Pre-marriage Mentors at our church for the past 3 years now - we LOVE it. We are looking forward to going through the Conference again and having this material at our fingertips for reference. "My Response is my Responsibility" has been tremendously helpful not only for our marriage but in so many other areas of our life.

Love and Respect Conference
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For Men and Women, Married And Unmarried

I love that it was written with a diverse group in mind --both men and women, married and unmarried.

For Men and Women, Married And Unmarried
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I dare you to find a small group study with a more beautiful, unexpected design (or stickers. Adults never get stickers anymore.) But it’s more than just a pretty face...I love that it was written with a diverse group in mind --both men and women, married and unmarried. It stirs up important conversations that we wouldn’t be having with each other, otherwise.

The Illumination Project
Lyndsay Rush
Lyndsay Rush
The Illumination Project
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Opened My Eyes To A Whole New World

...it has opened my eyes to a whole new world. I’m a divorced mom with 2 adult sons and no brothers, so sorely in need of this book to get a clue. Wow!

Opened My Eyes To A Whole New World
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I just finished Mother & Son: The Respect Effect, and it has opened my eyes to a whole new world. I’m a divorced mom with 2 adult sons and no brothers, so sorely in need of this book to get a clue. Wow! I have also ordered the Love & Respect Conference DVDs to help me with gaining more knowledge on the topic. Can’t wait for them to arrive. Thank you for this wonderful and enlightening book.

Mother & Son: The Respect Effect
Mother & Son
Mother & Son: The Respect Effect
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Incredibly Insightful. Practically Helpful

Your book was a powerful eye opener for me. Incredibly insightful. Practically helpful ...thank you for it. And I'm grateful to God - through Christ - for the way in which He's been using it in our lives. Truly.

Incredibly Insightful. Practically Helpful
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Your book was a powerful eye opener for me. Incredibly insightful. Practically helpful ...thank you for it. And I'm grateful to God - through Christ - for the way in which He's been using it in our lives. Truly.

Mother & Son: The Respect Effect
Mother & Son
Mother & Son: The Respect Effect
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Changed Forever

"My marriage is changed forever! I want to let men who are struggling know that they can change their marriage.  If you apply these principles, they will make a difference, my marriage is living proof."

Changed Forever
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"My marriage is changed forever! I want to let men who are struggling know that they can change their marriage.  If you apply these principles, they will make a difference, my marriage is living proof."

Crazy Cycle In Marriage
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I Am Learning To Love My Wife

"...I am learning to LOVE my wife in a deeper way to see her heart not her attacks. I have never needed this 15 day challenge more than I did over the last few months."

I Am Learning To Love My Wife
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"The challenge that was given in each email was very helpful. My wife and I have been married over 20 years and we had something come in between us. This sent our marriage into the crazy cycle. It just uncovered hurts and past events that were already there. Over the time and reading and praying, God revealed I have many past hurts from my upbringing I never dealt with, which are reflected in outbursts when tension arises. ...working through the 15 day challenge, I am learning to LOVE my wife in a deeper way to see her heart not her attacks. I have never needed this 15 day challenge more than I did over the last few months."

15 Day Plan
15 Day Plan
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Huge Difference For Her and Her Husband

Respectfully Yours was exceedingly helpful for me in my marriage! Understanding ‘the crazy cycle’ has made a huge difference for both me and my husband. I highly recommend the study for its practical use and application.

Huge Difference For Her and Her Husband
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Respectfully Yours was exceedingly helpful for me in my marriage! Understanding ‘the crazy cycle’ has made a huge difference for both me and my husband. I highly recommend the study for its practical use and application.

Respectfully Yours
Respectfully Yours
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Game Changing

"Hello! thank you so much for the love and respect academy two week plan. To say it has been game changing is an understatement."

Game Changing
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"Hello! thank you so much for the love and respect academy two week plan. To say it has been game changing is an understatement.

Just one error I found with the 60 sec test. It didn’t take 60 sec.... I didn’t even have time to count before my husband said “really? What are they?” Not only that, the tone and demeanor changed and softened in a split second. I had to stop myself from laughing out loud and dropping my jaw on how accurate and simple it was to connect with and create an honoring moment for my husband. I have since turned it into a weekly occurrence when we meet to plan our week. And I can tell that he is (not so patiently) waiting for this moment during our time together.

Thank you for all you continue to do. I am also reading Love & Respect In The Family right now and it is both convicting and encouraging at the exact same time. Thank you for the truth you share. It makes all the difference for this family."

15 Day Plan
15 Day Plan
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