What is Love and Respect?

We believe love best motivates a woman and respect most powerfully motivates a man. Research reveals that during marital conflict a husband most often reacts when feeling disrespected and a wife reacts when feeling unloved.

Love and respect books stacked on top of each other

We asked 7,000 people this question: when you are in a conflict with your spouse or significant other, do you feel unloved or disrespected? 83% of the men said "disrespected." 72% of the women said, "unloved." Though we all need love and respect equally, the felt need differs during conflict, and this difference is as different as pink is from blue!

We conduct conferences and provide resources to the married, divorced, separated, dating and single. Men and women will learn how to resolve conflict, dealing with the negative reactions (the crazy cycle). They will also learn how to motivate each other by meeting each other's need (the energizing cycle). Even those who feel hopeless in their relationships will gain understanding on how to handle an indifferent or unresponsive partner (the rewarded cycle).

Each cycle centers on two concepts: love and respect. These two words surface in social research and the bible (Ephesians 5:33) as the two key ingredients for a successful marriage. From our research, those attending the Love and Respect conference, watching the Love and Respect DVD in small groups, or reading the Love and Respect resources, are experiencing understanding, forgiveness, reconciliation, change, and hope. Through personal enrichment, they go on to minister to others in small groups.

Image of Sarah & Emerson

Sarah & Emerson

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs is an internationally known public speaker on the topic of male-female relationships. Based on over three decades of counseling as well as scientific and biblical research, Dr. Eggerichs and his wife Sarah developed the Love and Respect Conference which they present to live audiences around the country.

This dynamic and life-changing conference is impacting the world, resulting in the healing and restoration of countless relationships. Dr. Eggerichs has authored many books, including the national bestseller Love & Respect, which is a Platinum and Book of the Year award winner, selling over 2.3 million copies.

Emerson is the Founder and President of Love and Respect Ministries and Sarah serves as Vice President. Married since 1973, they live in Grand Rapids, MI and have three adult children.


Is it possible for God to really help you in your marriage?

The following people wrote to share the “miracle” that took place in their marriages. These are unsolicited testimonies from thousands received over the years. These individuals tell the story of a “miracle” that happened after watching or attending the Love and Respect marriage conference. We believe the same can take place in your relationship as you watch the streaming presentation of the Love and Respect message!

Trusted Leaders on the Love & Respect Message

Eric Metaxas

Eric Metaxas

New York Times #1 best-selling author (Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther and more) and host of the Eric Metaxas Radio Show. He is the founder and host of “Socrates in the City: Conversations on the Unexamined Life."

“With his Love and Respect concept, Emerson Eggerichs has discovered what can only be described as the Holy Grail of marital counseling. It is an absolutely extraordinary and revolutionary -and utterly biblical – understanding of marriage, and it was under our noses for two-thousand years, waiting for us to find it. On behalf of married couples the world over, I am thrilled someone finally did.”

Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey

New York Times best-selling author and radio host. America’s trusted voice on money and business.

“Occasionally I run into somebody whose material, what they’re teaching, and the quality of the person rocks my world. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs spoke at our offices the other day and had our team laughing and crying and punching each other, in a loving way of course. My oldest daughter is getting married and this is one of her favorite marriage books. Thank goodness. That means she's got a shot. She’s going to make it."

Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt

Former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers and Founder of Full Focus, a performance coaching company.

“Although we have read numerous books on marriage and attended many seminars, this one was truly unique. In fact, it is probably the most helpful one we have ever experienced.

Gail and I were so impressed with the seminar and the book that we are considering starting a couple’s class this fall in our home. We have ordered the DVDs, because we want people to get the content directly from Emerson. He is a great communicator.”

Andy Andrews

Andy Andrews

New York Times best-selling author of How Do You Kill 11 Million People, The Noticer & The Traveler’s Gift

“My parents died when I was nineteen. No one is ever prepared for that kind of thing, of course, but there has always existed an odd gap in what I understood about my mother and father. For instance, what books were my parent’s favorites. What would they have wanted me to read? To whom would they have insisted I listen? I have no idea, for no one ever told me.

Today, my wife and I have two boys of our own. With every breath we take and every prayer we offer up, Polly and I are preparing for the possibility that our boys might one day need to know what we know. Therefore, a copy of “Love and Respect” is already signed to each of our boys from Mom and Dad. The books are tucked away for now, but the substance inside its pages is already being taught. In “Love and Respect”–the book and the seminar–Dr. Emerson Eggerichs has crafted an understanding of a principle so life changing that it is difficult to overstate its power. Simply put, listen carefully to what this man has to say and read carefully what he has written. This material will transform your relationships, your children, your finances, and your legacy.”

Bernhard Langer

Bernhard Langer

Professional Golfer, two time Masters winner PGA Tour, All Time PGA Tour Champions Major and Victories Leader.

“We were fascinated by the message, by the material. It was totally different to anything we had heard before. And our relationship changed from day one. And it got better. My wife learned to respect me more and I learned to love her more the way she needed to be loved not the way I thought I ought to love her.”

James Dobson

James Dobson

Founder and former President of Focus on the Family. He is now founder and President of Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produces his radio program, “Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk.” He is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to the preservation of the family

“I have been concerned for many years about a problem that I was a part of. And I have tried to rectify it…There is another half… the Scripture makes it clear… Those of us who speak to families have not gotten around to that side of the story… Now, it’s even more important in this culture…It is a two sided coin and we’ve been pretty short on the second side of it. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs …is … balancing this scale. This is such an important message… one of the best because he is talking about the two sided coin of love and respect. There is a Scriptural foundation for that in the 5th chapter of Ephesians. It is time that the scales were balanced, that we saw the other side of the coin, to mix a metaphor. This is a vitally important message. Anything you invest in your spouse will come back to you. That’s the way the system works. When it is not symbiotic, when it is only one person saying, “You’re not meeting my needs” then the other person is not really motivated to do that frequently. They need to know that you care about them too. When it is a two sided thing, it works far better” (October 29,30, 2003 Focus on the Family radio broadcast).

Apparently the listeners agreed. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs’ two day message on Focus on the Family was the #1 responded to program for 2003. There is an actual audience of 2.6 million people. Dr. Dobson said in letter to Emerson, “Clearly I am not the only one impacted by your message, your program has become our most requested broadcast of the year! Thanks again for this crucial information. I have no doubt there are marriages out there are on the road to recovery thanks to your sage advice."

Meg Meeker, M.D.

Meg Meeker, M.D.

Physician and best-selling author of Strong Mothers, Strong Sons.

“As a pediatrician of 30 years, I can say without question, thesingle most important gift any parent can give his child is a healthy marriage. Love and Respect gives every married or engaged person the tools necessary to build a strong marriage., There is no other program or book that offers such clear, sage and workable advice anywhere in the marriage aisles of bookstores. I can tell you that the lessons I learned in the book, helped my marriage.”

Shaunti Feldhahn

Shaunti Feldhahn

Social researcher and best-selling author of For Women Only and For Men Only.

“Millions of lives and marriages – and in many ways, our whole culture – are completely different today because of the work of Emerson Eggerichs and Love and Respect ministries. And my life and ministry is at the top of the list! There is absolutely no way my research, our ministry or any of our books – especially For Women Only — would have been the same if Emerson hadn’t shared so generously from his wealth of experience every step of the way. Emerson and I both felt, when our books were published in 2004 (three weeks apart!) that God wanted to change the paradigm in our culture for how everyone viewed the needs of men and women, and especially to understand that men’s primary need is respect. Ten years later, that paradigm has truly been changed, largely through Emerson’s pioneering work and leadership. It is awe-inspiring to look back and watch how God’s hand has moved through the Love and Respect ministry every step of the way.”

Mike Sharrow

Mike Sharrow

CEO - The C12 Group

“Having Emerson deliver a keynote at our global leaders conference was a huge hit and had leaders in tears, inspired, convicted and clear on next steps. He covered a ton of ground in 1 session that will make a lasting impact.”

Anne Beiler

Anne Beiler

Founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, best-selling author

“Love and respect in the workplace was always my mission at Auntie Anne’s. When I heard your message on the subject it amazed me at the simplicity of it and the fact that it works in EVERY relationship, including interactions in the workplace. People around the world, in every kind of business need to hear this simple yet life changing message.”

Kendrick Vinar

Kendrick Vinar

Lead Pastor - Grace Church of Chapel Hill

I couldn't recommend Dr. Eggerichs highly enough. I call him the Billy Graham of Marriage. He has a calling to teach the body of Christ about marriage.

Don Hodel

Don Hodel

Served as United States Secretary of Energy from 1982 to 1985, and the Secretary of the Interior from 1985 to 1989 under President Ronald Reagan

“I remain convinced that if Christian couples would truly learn what you teach from Scripture about Love and Respect the divorce rate among Christians would drop precipitously, but the much more important fact is that many more Christian couples would witness by their love for each other what a good marriage is like.  In turn that would cause others to wonder what it was that made them different and open them up to hearing about the love of Christ."

Just incidentally, really not so incidentally, they would experience the joy that can come on this earth only from a truly happy marriage.  Barb has heard me say many times, “There is nothing more joyful and good than a happy marriage, and, I imagine, nothing worse than an unhappy one.” (To the reader: Barbara transitioned to eternal glory on October 11, 2012)

Scott Walchek

Scott Walchek

CEO and founder of Trōv

"Dr. Eggerichs’ deftly instructed principles shed new light on personal and professional relationships. His material is challenging and offers a fresh look at the dynamics of interpersonal engagements that when applied in the workforce can revolutionize communication and create an environment of cooperation and empathy."

Tom Archipley

Tom Archipley

Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Former owner and CEO of Centurion Medical Products Corporation

"I believe that the message you are sharing is powerful enough to change the world. It is the most important, valuable message I have ever heard and has blessed our marriage in ways that can only be explained as supernatural."