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In this week's episode, Emerson speaks at Liberty University with a message titled, "Wounded Healer." He shares his personal story in order to help others understand how God can use past wounds to bring about healing.
In this week's episode Emerson and Jonathan look specifically at the topic of respect as it pertains to a husband. Why respect? When a wife feels unloved, her tendency is to be disrespectful. Her disrespect is her attempt to motivate her husband to change. Her dark look, negative words and unsupportive actions are designed to send him a message: “You are hurting me. Be more loving!” But no husband feels fond feelings of affection toward a woman he thinks despises him (2 Samuel 6:16).
In this final episode of the series "Living Above the Bar," Emerson explore three more key qualities the world values and expects to see in believers: Time Management (Time Is Money), Health and Wellness (You Are What You Eat), and Reflection and Restoration (You Cannot Pour From an Empty Cup).
The conversation first briefly covers six steps to achieving a win-win that Emerson has discussed elsewhere and will unpack with more depth in future courses, but primarily looks at reasons why some resist this approach, and how to overcome common fears and obstacles such as pessimism, the unknown, vulnerability, hurt, manipulation, and stubbornness.
Wives, would you like to learn a way to motivate your husband and know that he feels close to you in a meaningful way? Husbands, would you like to understand yourself better and why you may not do relationships the same way as your wife? Listen in this week as Emerson and Jonathan discuss how a wife can move towards her husband with less talking, even no talking, through spending shoulder to shoulder time with him.
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