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Listen to Emerson this week as he wraps up his message on parenting. Through three points Emerson will again help listeners understand how to parent God's way.
Discover with Emerson how to navigate the challenges of defensiveness in relationships by exploring the delicate balance between overlooking offenses and addressing them with love and respect.
Over the years Emerson has received hundred of emails regarding affairs, often from the betrayed spouse asking what they should do. Both Emerson and Jonathan have also listened to countless stories of infidelity as they counsel individuals and couples. Join them this week as they explore a response Emerson wrote to a man who wondered if he was handling things correctly following an affair. This message is applicable for husband and wife, both the betrayed and the betrayer.
Emerson and Jonathan discuss the Family Rewarded Cycle, the final cycle from Love and Respect In The Family. When parenting, what ultimately matters is an individual's relationship with God. Emerson explains how to see and relate to one's children apart from their response or performance, all in the context of an eternal view.
We can say "thanks" but not be grateful. We can mouth words but our hearts are elsewhere. We are fixated on ourselves. We have probably all seen this in ourselves. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:2 that people can be "lovers of self... ungrateful." We can even sing a song of thanks while in a worship service at church but inwardly dwell on the hurt and offense we feel toward someone who wronged us the day before. Join Emerson and Jonathan this week in this two part series which starts with how we can be grateful for the tangible things in our lives.
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