1 Corinthians 7:28
But those who marry will have trouble in this life (NCV).
Prayer: Thank the Lord for all the trouble-free moments in which you and your spouse enjoy him, each other, your family, your ministry, and life as a whole. Ask him for the strength to accept your measure of trouble, and the wisdom to deal with the annoyances and irritations by loving and respecting each other with new commitment. (You may also want to pray about troubles at work, at church, or with the children, all of which can affect how you handle the 20 percent in your marriage.)
Action: Say in the face of a troubling moment: “Look, we will get through this brief storm. This is part of the 20 percent. Smooth sailing awaits us. For now, let’s hang on to our hats.” (For discussion questions, see page 219 in appendix A.)