Keep Your Eyes On The Lord, Not The Problem

2 Chronicles 20:12

O our God. . . . We are powerless before this great multitude who are coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You.

Prayer: If you are facing no big problems, thank the Lord. If you are facing something that appears overwhelming, confess that you are powerless, that you don’t know what to do, but that your eyes are on the Lord. Praise him, knowing the battle is not yours, but His. (You may want to bring up problems you’re having at work, at church, or in other outside settings that can affect you at home.)

Action: Step back and look at problems (or that big problem) facing you right now. How much of this is in your control? How much are you trusting God? Lots of problems are not overwhelming, but they are big enough to draw our attention away from the Lord. Also, take inventory on love and respect. Are you gazing at problems so intently that you are forgetting about unconditional love for her, unconditional respect for him? (For discussion questions, see page 236 in Appendix A.)

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Keep Your Eyes On The Lord, Not The Problem
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